
Indigenous leadership development means guiding children and youth into an adulthood where they fulfill their God-given stewardship responsibilities. Harambee’s work does not simply end at graduation. We expect of our students what we expect of ourselves: to be leaders in every sphere of life, including home, church, community and civic life. Harambee provides customized mentoring and community-wide training opportunities for our alumni.

Life Long Commitment to Students
Scholarships are available to Harambee graduates for students to continue Christian education at local middle and high schools. Harambee graduates are encouraged to continue to give back as volunteer and junior staffers in the summer. 13 former Harambee students are currently receiving support in undergraduate and graduate studies.

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In the center is Jasmine Ward (Harambee graduate class of ’94).
She is currently finishing her Master’s in Social Work at the University
of Southern California. She is a regular volunteer at Harambee and has
been the director of the Harambee summer camp for the past 3 years.